Apr 12, 2013

Sandwich - Five on the Floor

Five on the Floor is the 4th album released by Sandwich in 2006. This is a 2006 album and I just bought it now (2013) and I quickly checked the band members and Marc Abaya was not listed so I think this is their first album without him... and yeah of course Sugod was sang by Raimund (nagtaka pa 'ko)

Label: EMI Philippines
Format: CD
Country: PH
Released: 2006
Genre: Alternative

Let's check out the CD...

The front cover have if not all the songs written on it with image representation! Much like Dropkick Murphys' album Going Out of Style only that they did not put it on the front but on the inlets.

And they also have stickers! It's in the whole back of the CD inlets.

Listening to the whole album gives me a different fell than listening to each songs as part of my playlist. My impression - this album is all FUN! The riffs and beats sounded throwback OPM and it just fun to listen, not to fatiguing to finish the whole album, like i said, its fun!

Popular songs from this album are
  • Sugod
  • Sunburn
  • DVDX
  • Walang Kadala-dala

You can buy this album from any record stores, I bought mine from Odyssey Market Market for P260 a pop. 

Let us support our local band so they can continue to make music, really nice music. Share this please on your twitter  and follow me 
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